Over the past several months I've been occasionally back-porting a bunch of eCryptfs patches onto older Ubuntu releases. Each back-ported fix needs to be properly sanity checked and so I've been writing test cases for each one and adding them to the eCryptfs test suite.
To get hold of the test suite, check it out using bzr:
bzr checkout lp:ecryptfs
and install the dependencies so one can build the test suite:
sudo apt-get install debhelper autotools-dev autoconf automake \
intltool libtool libgcrypt11-dev libglib2.0-dev libkeyutils-dev \
libnss3-dev libpam0g-dev pkg-config python-dev swig acl \
ecryptfs-utils libattr1-dev
If you want to test eCrytpfs with xfs and btrfs as the lower file system onto which eCryptfs is mounted, then one needs to also install the tools for these:
sudo apt-get install xfsprogs btrfs-tools
And then build the test programs:
cd ecryptfs
autoreconf -ivf
intltoolize -c -f
./configure --enable-tests --disable-pywrap
To run the tests, one needs to create lower and upper mount points. The tests allow one to create ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs or btrfs loop-back mounted file systems on the lower mount point, and then eCryptfs is mounted on the upper mount point on top. To create these, use something like:
sudo mkdir /lower /upper
The loop-back file system image needs to be placed somewhere too, I generally place mine in a directory /tmp/image, so this needs creating too:
mkdir /tmp/image
There are two categories of tests, "safe" and "destructive". Safe tests should run in such a ways as to not lock up the machine. Destructive tests try hard to force bugs that can cause kernel oopses or panics. One specifies the test category with the -c option. Now to run the tests, use:
sudo ./tests/run_tests.sh -K -c safe -b 1000000 -D /tmp/image -l /lower -u /upper
The -K option tells the test suite to run the kernel specific tests. These are the ones I am generally interested in since I'm testing kernel patches.
The -b option specifies the size in 1K blocks of the loop-back mounted /lower file system size. I generally use 1000000 blocks as a minimum.
The -D option specifies the path where the temporary loop-back mounted image is kept and the -l and -u options specified the paths of the lower and upper mount points.
By default the tests will use an ext4 lower filesystem. One can also run specify which file systems to run the tests on using the -f option, this can be a comma separated list of one or more file systems, for example:
sudo ./tests/run_tests.sh -K -c safe -b 1000000 -D /tmp/image -l /lower -u /upper \
-f ext2,ext3,ext4,xfs
And also, instead of running a bunch of tests, one can just a particular test using the -t option:
sudo ./tests/run_tests.sh -K -c safe -b 1000000 -D /tmp/image -l /lower -u /upper \
-f ext2,ext3,ext4,xfs -t lp-926292.sh
..which tests the fix for LaunchPad bug
We also run these tests regularly on new kernel images to ensure we don't introduce and regressions. As it stands, I'm currently adding in tests for each bug fix that we back-port and for most new bugs that require a thorough test. I hope to expand the breadth of the tests to ensure we get better general test coverage.
And finally, thanks to Tyler Hicks for writing the test framework and for his valuable help in describing how to construct a bunch of these tests.