Monday, 4 January 2021

Improving kernel test coverage with stress-ng

Over the past year there has been focused work on improving the test coverage of the Linux Kernel with stress-ng.  Increased test coverage exercises more kernel code and hence improves the breadth of testing, allowing us to be more confident that more corner cases are being handled correctly.

The test coverage has been improved in several ways:

  1. testing more system calls; most system calls are being now exercised
  2. adding more ioctl() command tests
  3. exercising system call error handling paths
  4. exercise more system call options and flags
  5. keeping track of new features added to recent kernels and adding stress test cases for these
  6. adding support for new architectures (RISC-V for example)

Each stress-ng release is run with various stressor options against the latest kernel (built with gcov enabled).  The gcov data is processed with lcov to produce human readable kernel source code containing coverage annotations to help inform where to add more test coverage for the next release cycle of stress-ng. 

Linux Foundation sponsored Piyush Goyal for 3 months to add test cases that exercise system call test failure paths and I appreciate this help in improving stress-ng. I finally completed this tedious task at the end of 2020 with the release of stress-ng 0.12.00.

Below is a chart showing how the kernel coverage generated by stress-ng has been increasing since 2015. The amber line shows lines of code exercised and the green line shows kernel functions exercised. can see that there was a large increase of kernel test coverage in the latter half of 2020 with stress-ng.  In all, 2020 saw ~20% increase on kernel coverage, most of this was driven using the gcov analysis, however, there is more to do.

What next?  Apart from continuing to add support for new kernel system calls and features I hope to improve the kernel coverage test script to exercise more file systems; it will be interesting to see what kind of bugs get found. I'll also be keeping the stress-ng project page refreshed as this tracks bugs that stress-ng has found in the Linux kernel.

As it stands, release 0.12.00 was a major milestone for stress-ng as it marks the completion of the major work items to improve kernel test coverage.