Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Gource - software version control visualization

Today my colleague Chris Van Hoof pointed me to a Gource visualization of the work I've been doing on the Firmware Test Suite.  Gource animates the software development sources as a tree with the root in the centre of the display and directories as branches and source files as leaves.

Static pictures do this no justice. I've uploaded an mp4 video of the entire software development history of fwts so you can see Gource in action.

To generate the video, the following incantation was used:

 gource -s 0.03 --auto-skip-seconds 0.1 --file-idle-time 500 \  
 --multi-sampling -1280x720 --stop-at-end \  
 --output-ppm-stream - | ffmpeg -y -r 24 \  
 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -b 2048K fwts.mp4  

..kudos to Chris for this rune.

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